What if we never said yes?

What if we never did this? What if we both never met? You never said hello, I never said hi? What if our eyes never connected? What if you never caught my name? What if I never laughed at your jokes? I never touched your arm? What if we never had a chance to be us? That magical date never happened. You never opened my door. You never licked the ice cream from my lips. You never pulled me between your legs. What if we never kissed? I never felt the warmth of your breath on my neck. Our foreheads never touched. What if you never drank me up, drop by drop? I don’t know man. What if you never opened my eyes? What if you never made me your favorite girl? Who would we be? Would you be the star of my life? Would you be my lover? My confidant? I never want to think about what if again. I’ll say yes again and again and again.